Pamela Ly Anglero'


Pamela Ly Anglero is a young woman on her way to the top of the performing arts world. If you saw her phenomenal performance as Nina in In The Heights at NTPA, you know that I am not exaggerating. Her gorgeous voice and moving, nuanced performance endeared her to everyone who attended. Pamela is also an accomplished director and helmed the hit production of Legally Blonde at NTPA,, just before appearing in SpongeBob The Musical at The Firehouse Theatre. Next up, Pamela returns to NTPA in Heathers The Musical. Take a few moments to learn more about the talented and ambitious Pamela Anglero.

 When was your first time on stage?

My first time on stage must’ve been in Elementary School, I remember being in a

production of The Gingerbread Man and being the baker’s wife. I vaguely remember

being terrified but upon saying my lines and getting reactions, I immediately felt so

comfortable and in my element. I guess in other words, I liked the attention!


When did you know you wanted to be an actor?

 I knew I wanted to be an actor when I was in Middle School, I was fortunate enough to

attend an Arts School that nurtured the arts in us from a young age. My teachers nudged

me in the direction of Drama and Show Choir because of my constant talking and high

energy. I was hooked, singing Wicked and Grease in no time!


Who is your greatest mentor?

 Though I’ve had many wonderful mentors over the years, one sticks out in my mind: Rick

Olivo, who unfortunately passed away early this year, was one of my biggest mentors

and supporters. My family knew Rick from Rochelle School of the Arts, where I

attended from 3-8th grade. When we met him his daughter KO (Formerly known as,

Karen Olivo) had just begun their journey on Broadway! Rick always told me to go after

my dreams, constantly reminding me I had what it takes to be in the big leagues and to

keep pursuing and keep pushing. Even in his sickest stages, he would be there smiling

in the front row and yelling BRAVO.


What role have you enjoyed the most in your career so far?

 The role I’ve enjoyed the most so far in my career has been being a performer on Disney

Cruise Line. Being a performer for Disney, period, has its advantages. However, it was

such a life-altering experience that taught me about my strengths, talents, and what

goals I wanted to work towards in the future. The experience is one I always talk highly

of and encourage other performers to experience as well!


Do you have a dream role?

 My dream role has been fulfilled!! I played Nina in In the Heights with North Texas

Performing Arts- Repertory Theatre. Nina had been and still is a dream role for me

because of her background. Nina’s story is a perfect mix of mine and my younger

sister’s, it even opened my eyes to her reality and made me appreciate and love her

journey and struggles even more. Nina’s story is like ours as children whose

families migrated from the small island of Puerto Rico for more possibilities. It really

highlights the struggles of second-generation children, the cultural expectations set for

us, and the bond and pride in Hispanic culture. In the Heights is such an important and

personal story in my heart. Daniel Dean Miranda and the cast/crew were the perfect

people to tell the story with. Every night felt like a block party in Puerto Rico! The cast

and crew consisted of all POC so everyone’s story could be represented; it’s an

experience that I will never forget.


What person(s) would you most like to appear on stage with?

The person/persons I would like to be on stage with are all these talented performers

in the DFW area! I have been so incredibly blessed since moving here to work with a

handful of people who have already impacted my life and inspire me daily to continue

working and exploring. This city has so much to offer, and I can’t wait to continue meeting

new people and learning from them!


What performances have you seen that impressed you?

The performance I have seen that has impressed me lately was Clue at Dallas Theatre

Center! It was my first time experiencing a DTC show and though I had heard of the

production value as being amazing and some of the best in DFW I was stunned to see

how amazing it truly was. Clue had impeccable comedic timing, an elaborate and

GORGEOUS set, and costumes, and overall was an amusing and fun night!


What are your career goals?

 My career goal at the moment is in the air! It’s always changing and evolving and I’m

very proud of how far I’ve been able to come. Currently, my goal is to provide equal

opportunities through directing and being a new voice in the community. I would like to

join companies to help expand and be a voice and improve networks and opportunities

for people with fewer advantages.


What would people be surprised to learn about you?

 People would be surprised to learn that I hate knowing when my friends or people I know

are in the audience. I love to just imagine I am performing in a big dark room and telling

the story, I do not like the added pressure of people being there. However, I do love the applause at the end. I’d just

rather know AFTER that you are there.


MD Christian


Leslie Navarro