Nathan May


If you are lucky enough to score a ticket to Something Rotten currently running at Theatre Frisco, you will be entranced by the performance of Nathan May as Nigel Bottom. Nathan has one of those voices with a wonderful range and an incredible falsetto. Nathan is an accomplished actor who is adept at all the physical and verbal comedy that Something Rotten requires. He also has a most appealing stage presence that makes Nigel a memorable character. Take a few moments to learn more about how Nathan May got from Dallas Children’s Theater to a starring role at Theatre Frisco.


 When was your first time on stage?

When I was a wee little three-year-old I made my debut as “Man with Caps” in Caps for Sale at a Dallas Children’s Theater camp. All I remember is that there were a ton of hats on my head, and I was very scared they would come tumbling down. I’m sure it was the performance of a lifetime. 


When did you know you wanted to be an actor?

I remember in 1st grade being told by a teacher that I wouldn’t be able to achieve my dream of becoming an actor if I didn’t eat the crust of my sandwich. Judging by how I then begrudgingly always ate the crust, I guess my mind was already made up.


 Who is your greatest mentor?

I owe too much to too many people to single any one person out, or even to list them all here. Over the last four years, I’ve learned so much from the faculty at Oklahoma City University. Particularly my wonderful voice teacher Brenda Holleman, whom I can’t believe I won’t be seeing every week anymore when Fall rolls around. And my amazing coach, Joe Fitzgerald, who spent years trying to convince me to grow my hair out, and then cut his short when I finally did. 

There were also so many wonderful people at Richardson High School that were so supportive of me throughout my teenage years, especially Cliff McClelland, Erik Archilla, and Donny Covington in the theatre department and Lindy Perez and Elizabeth Adsit in the choir department.


 What role have you enjoyed the most in your career so far?

Okay, hear me out. In my sophomore year of college, I was in our Fall “opera,” The Zombies of Penzance. I was in the ensemble as a cross-eyed zombie that hobbled around the stage chewing on a severed arm for two hours. I can’t lie, it doesn’t get any better than that. 


 Do you have a dream role?

I don’t think so. Ever since I cried my eyes out laughing at the Something Rotten tour I’ve really wanted to be in the show as any of the main guys. I’m in it now as Nigel, so mission accomplished, I guess! 


 What person(s) would you like to be on stage with?


During high school, another mentor that had a humongous impact on me was my first voice teacher, Cody Dry. I haven’t seen him in forever, but it seems like we’re both back in DFW now, so it would be pretty cool to do a show with him sometime! 

As far as celebrities go, David Hyde Pierce is hilarious, and I’d love to do a show with him (or just meet him or even just look at him). 

And of course, most of all, it’s always an absolute delight when I get the opportunity to share the stage with my lovely partner, Maya Ferrer! We met doing theatre in high school and have been lucky enough to share the stage several times since then. I hope we do it again soon!


 What performances have you seen that impressed you?

Oh man, Kinky Boots with Uptown Players was phenomenal. My Grandma Shelly and I went to see it and she said it might just be the best thing she’s ever seen. And she’s been watching theatre for at least thrice as long as I’ve even been alive, so that’s no small praise! 


 What are your career goals?

Just to foster community and joy for my neighbors through theatre. Making enough money to pay off my student loans would also be cool, but let’s be realistic. 


 What would people be surprised to learn about you?

In addition to being a performer, I’m also a climate activist with Sunrise Movement Dallas! Sunrise Movement is an organization of young people working to create a just and livable future by tackling the climate crisis and by making sure nobody is left behind as we rapidly shift our economy off fossil fuels. There’s lots of exciting work happening right here in Dallas to take on the climate crisis, and everyone has a part to play! Come check us out and get involved!



Caitlin Martelle


Dominic Pecikonis