Dominic Pecikonis


If you have seen Dominic Pecikonis perform on stage, you are lucky indeed. Dominic is one of the first openly trans/non-binary persons to play a major role in a professional musical in the DFW area. They is currently appearing as Paulette, a traditionally female role, in Garland Summer Musicals production of Legally Blonde. This is not stunt casting. Dominic is a wonderful and thoroughly convincing Paulette and being trans/non-binary does not matter a bit. In addition to being a talented actor/singer/dancer, Dominic is also a proud advocate for the trans/non-binary community and a sincere, loving person. Take a few moments to learn more about the amazing Dominic Pecikonis.


When was your first time on stage?

My first time on stage was as a member of the band in Music Man. It

was fourth grade and I was hooked immediately.

When did you know you wanted to be an actor?

Honestly from the time I could speak. I used to make my sister do living

room plays with me. (Usually, it was us recreating our favorite shows or

movies.) But I feel lucky that I have always known what I wanted to do.

Who is your greatest mentor?

That is a rough question because I have so many for different aspects of

my life. My parents both have been integral in supporting my career

and me. My middle school theatre teacher Kelly Jacobson saw

something in me in middle school and gave me the chance to learn and

soar. Gail Cronauer was the first acting teacher to really pull me out of

my head and into the space. I still reach out to her when my acting feels

stagnant. So, so many people!

What role have you enjoyed the most in your career so far?

Quite frankly Paulette in Legally Blonde has been the ultimate dream. The

opportunity to proudly be non-binary on stage, reframe a role through my lens,

and wear pretty costumes? It cannot be beat. Her story makes so much sense

to me. The struggle of wanting to be loved but not feeling deserving

just resonated with me. I would say a close second is Paul in A Chorus

Line. I still cannot believe I got the chance to tell his story.

 Do you have a dream role?

Definitely a few. Frank in Rocky Horror, Angel in Rent, Eponine in Les

Misérables, and The Witch in Into the Woods currently. I have so many.

Lately I really want to play something original. Something created with

me in mind.

 What person(s) would you like to be on stage with?

In Dallas, I would love to work with Parker Gray, Lee Walter, Mark

Quach (again!), Rachel Poole, Christie Vela, and anyone in the Brierley

Resident Acting Company. Have you seen those folks perform?? As far

as famous folks, Viola Davis for sure! Vanessa Hudgens because she is my

crush lol. Or Emma Stone. Or Meryl Streep.

What performances have you seen that impressed you?

In Dallas lately, Rachel Poole in Kinky Boots was unreal. Her voice and

comedic timing is incredible. I also was in love with the entire company

of Mean Girls when it came through. And Sis as Ado Annie in the

national tour of Oklahoma. She took that role and made it her own.

 What are your career goals?

I am trying to push for more film things. I would love to be in a tv show

for a long time. Very Ellen Pompeo in “Grey’s Anatomy.” I would love to

work on Broadway as well, hopefully in something new. And honestly

getting to be authentically trans/non-binary in theatre, film, etc. is the

ultimate goal. Representing my community fully.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

I lived like a little bit of a bubble boy when I was a kid. It was only for a little bit of

Time. Because I got sick so much for the first few years of my life, they thought I

was allergic to everything!


Nathan May


Garrett Weir