DonnaMarie Knight


The fabulous DonnaMarie Knight first appeared on my radar last fall in a production of Legally Blonde at the Firehouse Theatre. Her performance as Paulette was one of the best I have seen on DFW stages. She had just the right combination of voice, comedy, and sincerity to make the character unforgettable. DonnaMarie will soon be appearing in the lead role of Lili in Carnival at Garland Civic Theatre, and I can’t wait to see her bring new life to a classic role. DonnaMarie has had quite an interesting life. Take a few moments to learn more about her and how she became the outstanding performer she is today.


When was your first time on stage?

My first time on stage was in 2002. I was cast as a munchkin in the National Tour of The Wizard of Oz! Go big or go home, right? My voice teacher thought it would be good audition experience and I haven’t stopped auditioning/booking since. Being in this stunning production solidified my love of performing and my absolute fear of zippers. 

 When did you know you wanted to be an actor?


My grandparents took me to see The Phantom of the Opera on Broadway when I was about 7 years old. I remember the chills that I got when the overture started to play. All my nerve endings lit up like a Christmas tree. I had never been so taken by music in my life. At intermission I told my grandma, “I want to do that.” Christine Daaé is my ultimate dream role. 


 Who is your greatest mentor?

I have had so many mentors in my life have made me who I am today. I believe every person you meet passes through your life for a reason. However, since we’re focusing on music/theater…My first voice teacher, Lynne Swafford, taught me how to sing. She taught me how to audition, how to put on a solo recital, how to read music. Cynthia Nott, artistic director of the institution formerly known as The Children’s Chorus of Greater Dallas, taught me how to be a professional musician. She taught me discipline, musicianship and she gave me Carnegie Hall. My current voice teacher, Obed Floan, teaches me how to believe in myself and constantly raise the bar on my musicianship. He took me to a whole new level of professional in college and helped expand my vocal range. The first time he gave me a coloratura aria, I about had a panic attack and now I’m like which one are we singing next?! Hint: it’s “Queen of the Night”. 

What role have you enjoyed the most in your career so far?

 My favorite role has been Ariel Moore in Footloose! It was so long ago but I absolutely adore that show and would love to do it again someday. It was really one of the first shows I got to belt and have a solo in, which was quite exhilarating. Plus, you can’t do that show and not have a good time. 

A close second: being a swing in 42nd Street that didn’t know she was a swing until 48 hours before she had to perform an entirely new role! I have always admired swings/understudies because that *ish is HARD Y’ALL! I have understudied a few shows in the past but never gotten the call to go on. I’m so happy to have my first experience with “swinging” under my belt and to have had it go so well! I will continue to understudy/swing in the future! 

 Do you have a dream role?

 Christine Daaé in Phantom of the Opera is the ultimate dream role! Other dream roles would be Elphaba in Wicked, Veronica Sawyer in Heathers, Vivian Ward in Pretty Woman and the Witch in Into the Woods. I would also excitedly take ensemble in Mamma Mia, Wicked or Phantom of the Opera any day!

 What person(s) would you like to be on stage with?

 It could never happen, but my dream stage partner would be William Shakespeare. Yes, I’m obsessed with the Bard. My dogs are Hamlet and Shakespeare. You either love him or hate him but I think he was a mad genius! We would not have language as we know it today without him. As far as living people, I would love to be on stage with Celine Dion, Jessica Vosk or ABBA.

What performances have you seen that impressed you?

The national tour of Once that came to Dallas Summer Musicals in 2013 blew me away! I had never seen a show where all the actors also play crucially essential instruments. They were all so talented and the show was so raw and emotional. I felt so inadequate as a performer, that I went home and learned how to play the ukulele so I could say I play an instrument besides the piano. 

Also, I was working at WaterTower when they did The Gospel According to Thomas Jefferson, Charles Dickens and Leo Tolstoy: Discord. While quite the mouthful and not a memorable name, as I had to google it, the performance of those three men was quite memorable! I got to watch it every night and it was always different and funny and thought provoking. There are SO MANY LINES for only three people and they never leave the stage! Epic performance!

 What are your career goals?

 I want to be a singer on a cruise ship! This was actually happening pre-pandemic, but you know how that story ends up. I’m sure my time will come back around soon! I would also love to be on Broadway one day but if that never happens my goal is to continue to entertain people in quality shows and spread a little joy and magic wherever I go.

 What would people be surprised to learn about you?

 I took 9 years of Spanish language courses, but I studied abroad in Costa Rica, which is where I really became fluent in Spanish. I also speak Italian. My dad and I taught ourselves in a few months through a self-guided Pimsleur’s course. I am now the designated family translator whenever we travel to a foreign country. My first Italian translating adventure was when I sang at the Vatican in 2006 and honestly it feels like a superpower! Possa tu diffondere gioia e magia ovunque tu vada!



Octavian Lewis
