I first became aware of the extraordinary acting skills of Bradley Atuba when he played Antonio in Dallas Theater Center’s production of Jonathan Norton’s Cake Ladies. I remember thinking to myself that this young man has star written all over him. His commanding stage presence is undeniable. Currently Bradley can be seen in Big Scary Animals at Theatre Three in an outstanding performance that confirms he is an astonishing actor and a star. Take a few moments to read more about Bradley and his career in the performing arts so far.


When was your first time on stage?

If I remember correctly, I believe my first time onstage was in fifth grade in the fifth grade production. It had no title, ha! I didn’t even act. I was a dancer, but I remember having so much fun. Something about knowing the audience’s eyes were on me electrified my body. My first acting role was in middle school in the U.I.L. competition. I played the mailman in The Freeway by O.B. Rozell. I didn’t find my love for acting until I played David in Amen Corner by James Baldwin a year later.


When did you know you wanted to be an actor?

I watched an insane amount of Beyonce ́ growing up. Yes, I’m a part of the Beyhive. Her concerts, performances, music videos, and movies. The way she moves people is supernatural. She’s truly an Alien Superstar. Her stage presence, characterization, craft, and work ethic snatched my soul at such a young age. I was determined to be in the arts after watching her. In school, I was always excited about anything that had to do with Performing Arts. I wasn’t excited about anything else. Studying the human psyche and discovering what makes people tick is fascinating, so once I played David in seventh grade I was hooked.


Who is your greatest mentor?

My greatest mentor was my friend, Kevin “Scooter” Ward. He taught me who I am is more than enough. He always said, “The you that you are is greater than the you that anyone else wants you to be.” He walked boldly, authentically, and unapologetically in life and if I become half the man that he was that’ll be all right with me.


What role have you enjoyed the most in your career so far?

My favorite role I’ve played has to be between Juliet in Romeo & Juliet at Great River Shakespeare Festival and Antonio in Cake Ladies at Dallas Theater Center.


Do you have a dream role?

I have several dream roles, however my top two are Hamlet and Belize in Angels in America. Call me!


What person(s) would you like to be on stage with?

Celebrity: Viola Davis, Andrew Scott, Jeffrey Wright, and so many more

DFW: Tiana K. Blair, Christie Vela, and Blake Hackler


What performances have you seen that impressed you?

On Broadway: Choir Boy and Miss Saigon


What To Send Up When It Goes Down at StageWest

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf at Theatre Three

Hurt Village at SMU


What are your career goals?

Well, I was born and raised in Dallas, TX. Now that I have my master’s degree, I think it’s time to leave the nest and experience someplace new. My plan is to move to either New York or Chicago next Fall. While I hope to one day grace the Broadway stage, my main goal is to break into Film/Television.


You’ve recently started teaching theater at Booker T. Washington High School. What do you find challenging and rewarding about teaching high school students?

Teaching the advanced acting seniors at Booker T. Washington is the most fulfilling job I’ve had so far. They pour into me without even knowing it. I struggle with imposter syndrome sometimes, but then I remember who I am and what ancestors dreamed of, and I get back on course. The most rewarding is passing on my knowledge and passion to eager students that want to be in the room. Seeing them getting lost in the work has me smiling out from ear to ear.


What would people be surprised to learn about you?

Hmm. I was born with a speech impediment and I’m pretty sarcastic.


DonnaMarie Knight


Michael Diego Alonzo