Antavius Draughn


I saw Antavius Draughn on stage for the first time very recently. Antavius was part of the ensemble in Lyric Stage’s Rocky Horror Picture Show. When someone stands out in such a dynamic ensemble, I take notice and Antavius did exactly that. He is a fierce force on stage and radiates energy and joy. Whether singing, dancing, or acting, Antavius is a performer who commands your attention. Take a few moments to learn more about this talented, kind, and humble young man who is destined for success in the performing arts.


When was your first time on stage?


 My very first time on stage that I can think of off the top of my head is being in my church youth choir. My church at the time, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, used to have a youth choir called "Young Warriors for Christ" and I used to be a part of that choir. It was the first time I can remember being seen and heard on stage and never wanting to leave that mic and spotlight. I knew from that moment that my destiny was to be a performer.

When did you know you wanted to be an actor? 


 In the very beginning of my life, I never knew I wanted to act, I just knew every time my mother and grandmother would buy me VHS tapes of Disney movies and Power Rangers episodes and I would act out every single scene, and if I got it wrong, I would rewind it until I got the scene and dialogue right. It was then when I knew I wanted to be an actor someday.

Who is your greatest mentor?


My greatest mentor would be a couple of people, first my mom because she would always encourage me to follow my dreams and never ever give up on them. Secondly, I would say all my theater teachers who have taught me in school. First Will and Robyn from Paris Junior College, secondly Riley Coker from the Oklahoma Shakespearean Festival and the dearly departed Dell McLain from Southeastern Oklahoma State University. Those four each help me grow as an actor and I would not be the person that I am today if it wasn't for their words of encouragement, I needed to hear those past five years of my life.

What role have you enjoyed the most in your career so far?


There have been many shows I have enjoyed being a part of in my acting career, but the one I am most proud of is playing Freddy Dallas in Noises Off. I performed that show in Paris, Texas at Paris Junior College when I went there, and it was one of the best shows I've been so proud to be a part of. It was everything I love about acting, it had comedy, heart, and it was a hell of a workout each act we did. All reasons why I love farces, anything could happen.

Do you have a dream role?


 I don't necessarily have a particular "dream role" to play because I don't think it's written just yet. Shows and characters I personally love are the ones that challenge me and take me out of my comfort zone. Content that makes the audience escape, think, and lastly have a great time. So basically, a role that can blend everything I love into one, singing, hard dancing, drama, and comedy into one; with a touch of LGBTQ+, POC flavor. Something that represents EVERYONE!

What person(s) would you like to be on stage with?


I've always been inspired by performers, performers that it doesn't matter what project and stage they are a part of you know they are going to give their everything into it. So, artists like Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, Usher, Denzel Washington, Bruno Mars, the list goes on and on and on. Legends are people I would love the chance to work alongside with, getting the chance to pick their brain and see what makes them do what they do on camera or on stage every single day.

What performances have you seen that impressed you?


 Performances that catch my eye are the ones that inspire me to be better in my craft. It could be the music that moves me, the actors on stage that inspire me, the direction of the show, stuff like that. Early this year I got to see the Lyric Theater's production of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum and the guy that played the role of Hysterium literally stole the show for me personally. His character wasn't even necessarily the main "lead”, but he was so funny and witty that every single time he was on stage my eyes went straight to him. The whole cast made that show extremely funny, so funny I saw it many times.

What are your career goals?

My career goal is to be one of the best entertainers in the world. I Want It All like Sharpay Evans from High School Musical says lol. I want to do it all, be in movies, have my own television show, talk show, record albums, go on tour, be on Broadway etc.… I want a lifetime in the spotlight because that's where I feel the safest. I really feel God put me on this earth to entertain people and that's what I attend to do.


What would people be surprised to learn about you?

 I surprise people daily, because I am so shy and sometimes in my own head, but the moment people see me sing, dance, or act it literally surprises them each time. Another thing people also would be surprised to know is that I love to cook. I don't cook often but when I do, I put my everything into it.



Monkevis Edwards


MD Christian