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The Cake

Theatre Arlington hits the sweet spot with The Cake

Theatre Arlington will be serving up layers of delicious and heartwarming comedy in

Bekah Brunstetter’s The Cake

. All is going well for Della in her small North Carolina town. The cakes she whips up in her own bakery, Della’s Sweets, are legendary and have even earned her a spot to compete on The Great American Baking Show. Then Jen, the girl she helped raise like her own, comes back to town to ask her to make her wedding cake. Della is overjoyed! Until her life is turned upside down when she realizes there are actually two brides. Can she really bake a cake for that type of wedding? Della suffers a crisis of faith as she questions her deeply held beliefs and her own marriage. Bekah Brunstetter, best known for NBC’s This is Us and Starz’s American Gods, has created a touching and timely play that asks what happens when what we believe conflicts with those we love.

Theatre Arlington’s Executive Producer Steven D. Morris, director of this production, has wanted to produce this show since he first saw it a few years ago. Morris states, “Author Bekah Brunstetter has created four interesting, real, fully developed, complex characters that each have the opportunity to express their opinion, share their feelings and experience growth and change which is sometimes painful and sometimes liberating. I know that some people are not comfortable with the subject matter of this production. I don’t think we have to agree on everything. I do think we should always treat each other with respect and kindness. I think we should have great discussions, not to change each other’s minds but with the intention of trying to understand each other’s point of view. We should work every day to judge each other less and try to understand each other more. I am not trying to change anyone’s beliefs with our production, but I hope it offers insight into another point of view.”

Theatre Arlington’s production of The Cake stars Shannon J. McGrann as Della, a role she

previously portrayed with Uptown Players in Dallas, Sasha Maya Ada as Macy, Olivia

Cinquepalmi as Jen, Rodney Honeycutt as Tim with Thomas Magee as the Voice/George.

Stage Manager, Maria Leon Hickox, heads up the production team which includes

Rebecca Rickey (Assistant Stage Manager), Alfredo Tamayo (Assistant Director),

Kevin Brown (Set Designer), Bryan Stevenson (Lighting Designer), Ryan Simón

(Sound Designer), Karen Potter (Costume Designer), Robin Dotson (Properties

Designer) and Angie Glover (Scenic Artist).

The Cake opens on Friday, September 30 and runs through October 16.

Performances will continue through October 16 with the following schedule:

Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays at 7:30 pm Sundays at 2:00 pm

The cake is intended for mature audiences.

This production contains strong language, adult topics, and partial nudity.

September 29

Almost, Maine

September 30

Plenty of Time