Congratulations to the cast and crew of Legally Blonde and especially to the first all female creative team at NTPA who made the show a big time success. Director Pamela Anglero, Choreographer Leah Flores, Music Director Sophia Garcia, Stage Manager Ruby Pullum and Assistant Stage Manager Julianna Rios are a winning team and they make Legally Blonde intoxicating fun with a definite female viewpoint. Fernanda Schoening Velez is an appealing and dynamic Elle Woods with a terrific voice. Connor Bailey has so much charm as the bad boyfriend Warner that it is hard to hate him and it’s fun to watch his new girlfriend Vivienne played by Kyleigh Freeman go from a bitchy creep to an ally. It’s great to see the incomparable Vinnie Witherspoon back at NTPA as Emmett. With his smooth voice and command of the stage, Witherspoon is never less than thrilling to watch. Brandy Raper steals every scene she’s in as Paulette the beautician and her solo “Ireland” is both funny and touching. Nathan Benson scores as the less than admirable Professor Callahan and Jessica Vanek as Brooke whipped the audience into shape while singing and jumping rope. The entire ensemble here performs tirelessly to Leah Flores’s superb and demanding choreography. And if you are a fan of Esteban Vilchez and Tomas Moquete as I am, you need to see them at their comedic best here. High praise all around to everyone in the large cast and especially to Director Pamela Anglero for bringing a new vision to the show. Do you need to see Legally Blonde at NTPA? “Elle”Yes!!!
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