Uptown Players Presents Head Over Heels

Head Over Heels

Songs by The Go-Gos

Based on The Arcadia by Sir Philip Sydney

Conceived and Original Book by Jeff Whitty

Adapted by James Magruder

Directed by Penny Ayn Maas

Choreographed by Evor Wright

Lighting Designed by Amanda West

Hair and Make up Design by Michael B. Moore

Sound Design by Brian Christensen

Music Directed by Lee Harris

Conductor/Keyboard Lee Harris

Guitar 1 Maristella Feustle

Guitar 2 Sam Walker

Bass Sal Bollinger

Percussion Michael Ptacin

Scenic Design by Dennis Canright

Properties Designed by Jane Quentin

Fight Choreography by Robin Armstrong

Stage Manager Kat Demith

Original Costume Design by Adrienne Phillips Costumes Adapted by Suzi Cranford and Breianna Barrington


Tim Brawner

Brian Hathaway

Laura Lites

Seth Paden

Caroline Rivera

Kylie Stewart

Lee Walter

Brett Warner

Kylee Brown

Isaiah Christopher-Lord Harris

Gena Loe

Canali Miller

Grace Moore

Michael Mossucco

Michael Russell

Kelsey Jordan Ward

Evor Wright

Sarah Youngblood


My thoughts on Head Over Heels or…wonderfully woke in the woods or Lesbos is lovely this time of year

I had no idea what to expect when I went into Head Over Heels. I knew I would hear some familiar Go-Gos music and that it was set in the past. but that was about it. What I didn’t expect was a bawdy, sexy, life and love affirming romp that throws gender roles, sexual and body norms as well as pronouns to the Arcadian wind and embraces everyone for who they are.

Head Over Heels is a juke box musical that works. All those Go-Gos tunes fit seamlessly into the story and the music here from Lee Harris and the band is so perfect that I thought I was listening to tracks until I read the program at intermission. Add Evor Wright’s inventive and almost athletic choreography to the mix and you get a bit of musical theater heaven.

The plot here is nothing new: mistaken identity, love requited and un, prophecies, quests, couplings and uncouplings. It’s familiar for sure, but when dressed up in the elaborate costumes adapted by Suzi Cranford and Breianna Barrington and presented on Dennis Canright’s set that evokes both a wealthy family’s home and the woods, Head Over Heels feels new and original.

Anyone who saw the Penny Ayn Maas directed Gentleman’s Guide at the WaterTower Theatre earlier this year will attest that she is adept at musical comedy and that prowess is even more in the forefront here. She never misses a chance for a laugh or a sight gag and knows how to keep the comedy paced and when to let the heart of the show shine through.

To say that the cast that Maas has assembled is stellar is almost an understatement. As my companion who had never been to an equity production before remarked, “They are all so good. Everyone can sing!” If you include acting and dancing to that statement, I couldn’t agree more.

Tim Brawner is dashing as the self-centered King Basilius, who is threatened with the loss of “The Beat,” the power that is the foundation of the kingdom, by the mystical Oracle of Delphi and upends his family trying to escape the prophecies and learns many life lessons in the process.

Caroline Rivera is his wife Gynecia, who feels a bit underappreciated and is questioning of her husband’s motives. Rivera is one of those gifted comic actors who can get a laugh with a glare.

Brian Hathaway portrays the loyal Dametas, father to Mopsa and husband to Pythio.. The appealing Hathaway represents the “old guard” of Arcadia as Dametas, but learns that love comes in all forms.

His daughter Mopsa played by the effervescent Brett Warner is the handmaiden to and in love with the vain Princess Pamela, played to the comic hilt by Laura Lites. Lites reading Pamela’s “erotic” poetry gets some of the biggest laughs of the evening. Philoclea, Pamela’s “plain” sister who loves the shepherd boy Musidorus., is played by the charming and lovely voiced Kylie Stewart.

Lee Walter is the stunningly costumed and threatening in the kindest possible way, oracle Pythio. Lee seems to channel a bit of Eartha Kitt in this role and that deep, melodious voice could make just about anyone change their ways or their pronouns.

It’s Seth Paden as Musidorus, the shepherd who must prove his worthiness, who gives the most fearlessly funny performance in Head Over Heels. When Paden transforms into the Amazon Cleophila, whom everyone wants to wed or bed, the musical becomes nonstop fun as most of the characters try to win Cleophila’s heart or perhaps some other part. Paden puts his heart and comic soul into the role and reminded me of a young Roger Bart.

Supporting the main characters are some incredibly fine dancers and singers that include Kylee Brown, Isaiah Christopher-Lord Harris, Gena Loe, Canali Miller, Grace Moore, Michael Mossucco, Michael Russell, Kelsey Jordan Ward, Evor Wright, and Sarah Youngblood.

Head over Heels will surprise you. It’s an antidote in play form for all the cruelty around us these days. It’s got humor, heart and the beat!


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