Disaster! The Musical


My thoughts on Disaster! The Musical or…it’s a retro riot.

This is my third time seeing Disaster! in the past five years and Seth Rudetsky’s and Jack Plotnick’s crazy, campy 70’s jukebox musical send up of disaster movies (especially “The Poseidon Adventure”) never gets old. The laughs are as plentiful as the 70’s hits.

Director Penny Elaine, who also designed the set, never misses a chance for a laugh or a sight gag or some bawdy innuendo. Music Director Caryn Fecht has some excellent singers and some who try their best, belting out everything from the Bay City Rollers to Diana Ross to Barry Manilow while dancing to Choreographer Becca Tischer’s high energy moves and grooves.

It’s all good fun and delivered by a cast who could probably make a go of opening up a comedy school. This is terrific ensemble acting and, speaking of ensemble, the large, tireless, talented ensemble is one of the major reasons this Disaster! is anything but.

Every character here is more or less a stereotype and played so earnestly over the top that they all become hilarious. Eddy Herring is the kinda nerdy, kinda sexy scientist Professor Ted Scheider who is a widower due to a volcanic mishap. Herring has a field day with the character. His thrilling rescue of cabaret singer and love interest Jackie, played with comic desperation by Laura Jennings, and her twin children Ben and Lisa, both played by the hysterically funny and Broadway ready Elijah Ponce, set to the music of “Nadia’s Theme” is a comic highlight.

Smooth as silk singer and always engaging actor Christian Black gets to show off his comedy skills as the heartbroken ladies’ man Chad Rubik who was left at the altar by Marianne, played by Shea McMillan. Marianne is on board as a sort of investigative journalist. McMillan has a truly lovely voice and wonderful presence. When she sang a bit of Carly Simon’s “That’s The Way I Always Heard It Should Be,” I wanted to stop the show and let her finish. When Black and McMillan duet on “I’d Really Love To See You Tonight,” their voices blend like berries and cream.

Also on board the doomed floating casino are casino owner and Lothario in his own mind Tony Del Vecchio played by Jeff York as the smarmiest of the smarmy and is at his funniest being “fish food.” Levora Verona is a washed-up doggie toting disco diva played by Cheray Williams whose facial expressions alone bring laughs. Shirely Etzel and Jack Agnew as the “older” couple Shirley and Maury Summers are a convincing man and wife and are quite the talented twosome. The superb Etzel gets the showier part here with her disease that causes her to curse and her life saving tap dance. Yes, you read that correctly. Laura Alley is a scene stealer par excellence as Sister Mary Downey, a nun with a gambling addiction. Singing “Torn Between Two Lovers” to her favorite slot machine, Alley hits the musical comedy jackpot. Nathan Benson has some fine comic moments as Chad’s ill-fated best friend Scott as does Brendan Tetter as Jake.

Disaster! is enhanced by Geof Dail’s projection and sound design, Kasey Bush’s scenic art, Jennifer Stubbs’ prop design, Shanna Threlkeld’s costumes and special kudos to Stage Manager Rustin Rolen who keeps all the craziness running smoothly.

Director Elaine’s Disaster! is a make yourself sore from laughing treat and I would urge you to get a ticket right away. Alas, if you are looking for some “Hot Stuff,” you’ll have to stay home and listen to “Muskrat Love” instead as the remainder of the run is sold out.


The Prom
