Luke Brodersen


Luke Brodersen is currently making his DFW acting debut in Garland Summer Musicals terrific production of 42nd Street. I was very surprised to learn that this is Luke’s first professional musical. Luke is so assured and charismatic on stage singing, dancing, and acting that you would think he has been a pro for years. If you cannot make it to 42nd Street to see this phenomenal young star on the rise, you can catch Luke in Garland’s next production Legally Blonde. Luke is a graduate of Guyer High School in Denton and is a rising senior at the University of Oklahoma where he will be featured in Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 this fall. Join me on the fan bus to Oklahoma.

When was your first time on stage?
My first time on stage was in 7th grade, I played the Mad Hatter in a gymnasium production of Alice in Wonderland. One of my best friends at the time was the March Hare. We got to joke around and play the whole show.

 When did you know you wanted to be an actor?
I had not even considered it to be an option until somebody asked me if I was auditioning for college musical theater programs, and I had the realization of “Wait. I can do that?” and I have not looked back since!

Who is your greatest mentor?
I feel like I cannot pick just one because I have learned so much from every teacher and professor I have had, and I still have so much to learn. They all have played an irreplaceable role in shaping me into the person and performer I am today, so I will say everyone who has taught and continues to teach me about this artform and about the world we do it in.

What role have you enjoyed the most in your career so far?
Honestly, I would have to say Andy Lee in 42nd Street! It has been so much fun to bring him to life and doing it with this cast has been a gift. I also played Richie Walters in A Chorus Line and that role will always have a super special place in my heart.

Do you have a dream role?
Absolutely! I will always dream of playing Alexander Hamilton. Lately Moritz from Spring Awakening has been on my mind, and I would love to get a chance to play that part. A lightning round of roles are Daddy Brubeck- Sweet Charity, Richie Walters – A Chorus Line, Joe Wellington - Golden Boy the Musical, Benny - In the Heights and Jesus – Jesus Christ Superstar

 What person(s) would you like to be on stage with
I would love to be on stage with Joshua Henry. I really look up to him and would love to see his process and make some wonderful art with him!

What performances have you seen that impressed you?
I was lucky enough to see Adrienne Warren play Tina on her first show after winning the Tony and their first show back post Covid, so that was a really special show. She was absolutely electric.

What are your career goals?
The dream is to be on Broadway, and I would love to try Film and TV, but at the end of the day I just want to create art that makes people think about the world around them and how they exist in it. I am super interested in directing at some point, but for now I’m open and want to try as much new and challenging stuff as possible!

 What would people be surprised to learn about you?
It is more of a fun fact, but I LOVE turtles! I think they are so cute and sweet.


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