Gerald Taylor


Although Gerald Taylor has been acting on DFW stages since 2015, he first came to my attention just this past December in Dallas Theater Center’s annual production of A Christmas Carol directed by Christie Vela. Gerald brought such exuberance to the role of Fezziwig with his high stepping and larger than life personality that he epitomized the joy of the Christmas Season. I met up with Gerald for lunch soon after the run ended to find out more about how he became the remarkable young actor he is today.

 When was your first time on stage?

 The first performance I remember was in the first grade. I got chosen for a "Wizard of Oz" trio in the end-of-the-year performance. The other two chosen boys had immaculate costumes and my Tin Man consisted of a funnel wrapped in tin foil. But what I lacked in apparel, I made up in the performance and stage presence!

 When did you know you wanted to be an actor?

 Everyone knew before me. That's kind of the story of my life. Performing was just something I did until it was the only thing I wanted to do. I did my first play in 8th grade and I really have not stopped. 

Who is your greatest mentor?

 Karri Anderson, the now retired theater teacher from Commerce High School. My passion for theatre stems from her. Any skill or finesse I have on stage has roots in her lessons. I was always willing to play but she knew exactly how to guide and mold me. I am forever grateful.

 What role have you enjoyed the most in your career so far?

They're all my children, I can't choose a favorite! Not to sound glib but my favorite role is always my next one. I chose a career where I get to constantly evolve and change. One day I am playing a taco loving dog, the next day I'm doing a show about over-policing in the Black community and the effects on Black youth. I can say i enjoy new works the most. There is something very alchemical in creating something new. 

 Do you have a dream role?

Several. Iago is near the top of my list. James "Thunder" Early in "Dreamgirls" must happen at some point (though Effie lives in my soul).  Literally almost anything Tennessee Williams. I want to originate a Jonathan Norton character.

What person would you like to be on stage with?

It is a life goal to backup dance for Gaga at least once in life.

What performances have you seen that impressed you?

So many talented people locally! Broadway would hands down be the revival of "The Color Purple". Everyone knows how talented Cynthia Erivo is, but the rest of that ensemble was just as flawless. Stunning performances all around and Danielle Brooks totally called me out at the stage door. 

What are your career goals?

I just want to perform. More theatre... Television and film? Sure! You have a product you want me to hawk in an infomercial? I will spokesperson the shit out of it. I do hope to direct in the future. Maybe I will teach one day, but I always want to perform.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

I am so socially awkward. 


Ash Hood


Carlos Brumfield