Brandy Raper


I first saw Brandy Raper as Paulette in NTPA’s Legally Blonde just a few months ago. She had so much power and presence on stage that I knew I would be seeing her again. However, I did not expect it to be in the demanding role of Diana Goodman in Next to Normal. To say that Brandy’s performance in the Upright Theatre Co.’s production is extraordinary is an understatement. It is a terrifically nuanced and moving performance that should not be missed. Take a few moments to learn more about Brandy’s journey in the performing arts.


When was your first time on stage?

 The first show I ever did was Wizard of Oz in the 9th grade.  I played a munchkin, and I loved every second of it! I only had one line… "we thank you very sweetly for doing it so neatly!" But I said it like it was the most important line in the show. “Wizard of Oz” has been my favorite movie since I was 3 years old, so it was a special first-stage experience for me.


When did you know you wanted to be an actor?

 I remember the exact moment I knew "I have to do this forever." I had a wonderful high school theatre teacher, Jackie Selman, who really supported me and believed in me. In my senior year, she cast me as Annie Oakley in Annie Get Your Gun. It was the biggest thing I'd ever done, and it was such a thrill. I felt like a star! Opening night comes and I remember people laughing and applauding me and it was such a rush. We had these saloon doors that I came out of for my curtain call at the end of the show and when I came out and felt the lights and saw people smiling and cheering that was it for me. I knew I needed this to be my life! It's been the only work that's ever fulfilled me in that way.


 Who is your greatest mentor?

 I don't think I could name one specific person as my greatest mentor. I think of my mentors as those constants in my life who believed in me, inspired me, and who I can turn to for their insight and wisdom. My high school theatre teacher, as I mentioned before, lit the fire in me. My two professors Monty Downs, and Ray Newburg from my junior college taught me more in two years than I think many people learn in their entire undergraduate experience. I still reach out to them when I have questions! I had incredible professors at Texas A&M Corpus Christi where I earned my bachelor's degree. I was particularly inspired by Dr. Terry Lewis who recruited me to the school and invested so much in me. He directed Bare-A Pop Opera in which I played Ivy my senior year and after the show he said, "Brandy, this is what you need to be doing." I knew if Terry believed it then it was true.

I absolutely couldn't be here without my family. My parents, sister, brother, and extended family have supported me and cheered for me from the beginning. I was a classic middle child who needed ALL the attention, and they attended all my living room talent shows, concerts, and poetry readings and politely applauded as I took over every home movie. (Sorry, Tara and Dusty!)

 My husband is my rock. He and I met in college as theatre majors, and he is one of the most remarkably talented people I've ever met. I took a break from performing when we had our three children and jumping back in has not been easy. He has been there every step encouraging me, supporting me, listening to song after song and coaching me. I'd never make it without his love and support.

What role have you enjoyed the most in your career so far?

 It's so hard to pick a favorite role! Every time I'm in a show I think it's my favorite one! Playing Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz was a childhood dream come true. I played Maria in The Sound of Music, and it was one of my favorite memories. I loved all the Von Trapp kids so much (they are all very much grown now) but they will always be stage babies for me. All that being said, playing Diana Goodman in Next to Normal has been one of the most challenging roles vocally, and emotionally and it has pushed me beyond what I thought I could do. The story hits close to home, and I feel it's such an important message. I've been so honored to share it with audiences. It has been my most rewarding experience so far and it will be a role I'll look to do as many times as I can.


Do you have a dream role?

 Mama Rose in Gypsy has been a dream role since college for me. I’ll patiently wait for the universe to deliver that one to me someday! I’m also dying to play Velma in Chicago. I saw the movie when I was maybe 13 and it was the first musical I fell in love with. “All That Jazz” is sung in my house almost daily! I was able to finally see it on Broadway this summer and it was so thrilling!


What person would you most like to appear on stage with?

If I had a time machine, I'd find a way to be on stage with the legendary Judy Garland. I've loved her my whole life and my first attempts at singing were to mimic that big brassy belt. Her style shaped the kind of vocalist I consider myself to be. I'd also love to share a stage with Bette Midler, Bernadette Peters, Angela Lansbury, Laura Benanti, Audra McDonald, and Sutton Foster. Legendary ladies in my book!


What performances have you seen that impressed you?

 I was lucky enough to see the original Broadway cast of Book of Mormon and it blew me away. It was right before they won the Tony, so we didn’t know what to expect. My husband is a big South Park fan, so we decided to give it a shot. Definitely a good idea! I haven’t laughed that hard in my life! We just saw MJ the Musical this past summer and it was another breathtaking performance. Every single performer was flawless and each element from vocals, choreography, lighting, direction, and transitions was just incredible. 


What are your career goals?

 You know, when I was fresh out of college, I had the big "I'm gonna go to NYC and be on Broadway!" dream. I thought that was the only thing that would signify I'd made it. Now with several more years under my belt, some perspective, and a family, those goals have changed. I love being in DFW. I love having a husband and children and doing family life. I will always want to ensure a balance between my career and my family. I've only just been back at performing since June so I'm focusing on getting booked and making connections. I hope to continue to build my resume so I can work professionally in the area. There are just so many amazing companies here and I'd love the opportunity to work with them. At the end of the day, I just want to create something that I'm proud to share with others. I love making people laugh and I love telling stories that are thought-provoking and inspire empathy and compassion for others. If I can do that, I'll be happy!


What would people be surprised to learn about you?

 I love supporting expecting mothers and nursing mothers! I chose natural childbirth through the care of midwives for all three of my children and it was a beautiful experience. I know that's not a choice that is right for everyone, but it sparked a passion in me for helping mothers to advocate for themselves and to be allowed informed decision-making. I love empowering women to trust their bodies and their instincts and to believe in their remarkable abilities. Before I decided to return to acting, I was working on my certification to become a Lactation Consultant. It's something I'd love to continue in the future when the time is right.



Leslie Navarro


Dayan Rodriguez