Austin Jon Hines


If you missed Austin Jon Hines as Jason Dean in NTPA’s Heathers the Musical, you missed one of the best performances of the year. Austin literally ruled the stage in every scene he was in. It was my first time seeing him on stage and he was so totally convincing as the troubled, murderous teen, that I was a bit wary to talk to him after the show. However, I was glad I did because, in addition to being supremely talented, Austin is a kind, unassuming, grateful, and bighearted human being. Take a few moments to learn more about the background and ambitions of Austin Jon Hines 


When was your first time on stage?


My first actual time on stage was when I was in the second grade. I was in a small play called Go West in my elementary school, after that I was homeschooled for a long while and wasn’t in another play until one my mother directed for a bunch of us homeschooled kids called The Road to Emmaus. That truly began my spark for theater. And then when I was twelve years old, I got cast in my first community theater show in Theatre Arlington’s production of OZ!


 When did you know you wanted to be an actor?


There has always been some underlying interest in becoming an actor for me that feels like it has just always been there. Sappy I know. But I remember the first time I watched a play, which was Aladdin at Theatre Arlington. When I was leaving the show with my grandparents I had on a scarf and the usher at the door told me I looked very “Thespian” and that I should audition for some upcoming shows there. Although I didn’t know why or what a thespian was at the time, having that validation that I looked like I could do what this awesome people were doing on stage was enough for me. After that I haven’t really haven’t ever wanted to pursue any other career. 


Who is your greatest mentor?


There are truly so many. My parents of course helped me getting to and from rehearsals and with audition tips when I was young and loved and supported all my theatrical endeavors as well as my Papa and Grandma. Michael Serrecchia, Paula Morlean, Mark Mullino, Michael Childs, Deborah Stone many more, in my college years helped me to understand what it means to put in dedication, because even when I would half-ass my work or not push myself. These people truly did not give up on me. I love them all dearly. 

Todd Hart, my first “real” theater director. He created a safe and loving environment in my first big show and although I have not seen him in years, I have admired him as a teacher now that I am a teacher myself and I like to think we have a similar style 

My sister, she is just my best friend, and I wouldn’t be where I am without her. 

And a wonderful, beautiful woman Phyllis Cicero. Before my friend passed, she and I were teaching classes at KD Conservatory and became very close friends quickly. And through all our Sushi and mini wine bottle dates she truly made me fall in love with teaching children and she taught me that life is too short to not have fun and laugh, and to give a hand to the underdog. 


 What role have you enjoyed the most in your career so far?


I have been lucky enough to play some awesome characters like Pippin, Cinderella's Prince/The Wolf, Shrek, and more but my most recent role Jason Dean in Heathers has been my favorite to bring to life. JD was just such a fascinating character to study. His world is filled with romance and hate and evil and he plays judge, jury, executioner all while being a 17-year-old boy. It was an honor to get to play him, and Ryan Matthieu Smith who directed me in this production helped me journey through the character in an amazing way. He and the whole cast truly made the experience I had an unforgettable one. 


Do you have a dream role?


I do! Quasimodo in The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Have been in love with this character and show for years. Also, Clyde in Bonnie and Clyde, Edward Bloom in Big Fish, and George Novak in She Loves Me. All top contenders on my dream list!


What person(s) would you like to be on stage with? 


Oh, there would be so many from Broadway like Bernadette Peters, George Salazar, Lin Manuel, Uzo Aduba, Major Attaway, Mandy Patinkin, etc.…

But from my personal life I would love to perform again with an old friend Addie Morales. Haven't had the chance to be in a show with Addie since we were young kids! Or with Sarah Rutan, a wonderful performer and teacher who I had the pleasure of being mentored by in college. 


 What performances have you seen that impressed you?


I have some specific performances in mind (sorry for all these name lists, lol)


Brody Grant - Memphis the Musical - 2017 International Thespian Festival

John Riddle and Addie Morales - West Side Story - Casa Manana 2017

Fernanda Schoeing - Legally Blonde - NTPA 2022

Kathy Bates - Misery

Tom Pelphrey - Ozark

Viola Davis and Denzel Washington - Fences

Toni Colette - Hereditary


 What are your career goals?


I have of course dreamed of Broadway since I can remember dreaming. But also, at this moment my goal is to just continue building my connections and enjoy life. Not trying to be super planned out, ready for whatever the world throws at me. 


 What would people be surprised to learn about you?


Although Musical Theatre and all things acting are kind of the focus of my life, I also have some other interests. Such as fishing, painting, anything with a frisbee, and voice acting as well. I also do Murder Mystery shows nationally with the Murder Mystery Company and I promote liquor brands through my other job. Safe to say I keep busy.



Tiana Shuntae Alexander


Brayden Lawrence